Pulse and glide absolutely beats driving with load, in my experience.
But I've given up P&G for longer highway trips simply because I find it taxing on me, and it stands to reason it's also harder on the car.
Why does DWL work?
Does it? Is it simply causing a lower average speed and thusly saving gas?
Does it work compared to what?
I guarantee it's more efficient than "cruise control" style driving, or even constant throttle driving,
even at the same average speed. Mostly, I suppose, because momentum on downgrades isn't squandered through engine braking, which is likely to happen on cruise control, and may possibly happen even with the constant throttle approach.
DWL is a happy medium between pulse & glide and cruise control/brainless throttle use.
PS: I actually prefer to think of driving with load as "target driving", since when I do it, I normally pick a "target" MPG, and modulate the throttle to achieve/maintain it on the instant MPG readout. I don't ever actually monitor the LOD value on the ScanGauge.