Jammer -
Originally Posted by Jammer
I think we are already seeing this starting to become reality now. It appears, to me, that if things continue on today's path, that we could have a market of a lot of fairly inexpensive lightweight small gas powered engine cars that get CLOSE to the mileage of some much more expensive hybrids. In the end the market will have to shake things up.
Presently the worst thing is that we almost always get the biggest possible engine in the cars that are sold in the USA. When I was in Europe I bought a car magazine that showed the engine offerings for all the different cars. It was amazing because almost every car came with about 4 or 5 different engine offerings, from thrifty to performance. In the USA we seem to get one or two engine offerings that are always biased towards the higher displacement. Go here and look at the Ford Focus offerings :
Ford Cars UK Website
I started configuring a Focus and found all these engine options :
NOT counting diesel or automatic, there are SEVEN drivetrain options ... Oh the Humanity,