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Old 10-22-2009, 06:37 PM   #27 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by stou0220 View Post
My setup is clutchless, and I am using mainly 4th and 5th gear. On 4th -
decent acceleration to about 32 mph, 5th - maintains 40 on flat, if you push
- goes 45mph. Max speed slight downhill - 52mph (so far). This is without
field weakening.[/I]

He also sent me some pics, if you want I can email them to you or post them somewhere.
You can post them here if you like, I am uncertain why you would want a 5sp transmission when the 4 speed is likely fine, also something important, what voltage was his car?

When I did the calculations for the stock differential and transmission for a daihatsu move (aka 4sp) with my stock 48v motor. I came up with a top theoretical speed of about 52mph in 4th - losses or about 45mph. Apparently a 5sp ends up at about the same final drive ratio as the 4sp. The odd part is his comment about 4th gear, folks with a 72v miles typically can get up to about 40-45mph in 3rd gear of the stock 4sp transmission from china.

I can only guess he has a 48v car and his final drive ratio is the same on the 5sp as on the 4sp apparently.

If you can PM or Email me some pics / info along with this gentlemans contact I would like to speak with him. Oh and make sure he knows,
High gearing + field weakening = disaster. Field weakening is good when you need to rev the motor up to a higher RPM under a moderately light load, under heavy loads its just a bad idea. He would definately need an accurate ammeter to see what is going on, likely 5th is overampping his motor a bit already.

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