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Old 10-27-2009, 11:14 PM   #384 (permalink)
Master EcoModder
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Tjts, what is a series hybrid?

In every other sense that I know of the word being used (resistors in series) it exclusively means in line with(along the direction of motion, in the direction of current, lined up with).

Whereas Parrallel means two separate lines of contact. Realistically a PH ought to have two drive trains that either meet at a mutual point downstream from where the motion is created.

The Insight original with IMA was a series hybrid. The issue is not that we are using a new buzzword... the issue is someone who is somewhat clueless about etymology came along and pretended to invent something and it became a buzzword.

Original insight was a series. I believe the Prius is a true parrallel(I could very probably be wrong) because the electric motor operates either through a transax, or on a separate axle. I don't bear any interest in the Prius if you can't tell ^_^.

Back to the recent topic at hand, The volt may have a few hundred built in the long run. I can almost certainly promise you it will not see the light of mass production though. As I have already stated the niche market that this car is designed for is very small... and very picky. They most likely are not going to get over the Badge Snobbery and trade in a lex, merc, or beamer for a bowtie.

Also... Nobody ever said specifically that all those jobs that are being retooled are really for the volt we have all been beaten senseless about. I am fairly willing to bet they dump every scrap of hybrid about the car and mass produce a small gasser as a smaller luxury car for around 25K. That price range would put it as a step up from the Impala with superior gas mileage(IT would just have to get around 30 to beat it out). The mid-sized luxury FE friendly car market is infinitely bigger than the 4 people who are going to buy a Volt for 40K....
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