Jammer I am willing to admit the possibility that he volt will see mass production.
In a logical world it would not. I am going to pretend this is a logical world... because if its not then my reasons for going to work every day go out the window.
With the info available most economists could project that either A.) GM goes belly up trying to get to the front of the EV race or B.) they are using it to corner some new funding from the limitless pit.
If we are honest with ourselves this car really doesn't stand a chance in any market you chose to look at(luxury, mid-sized sedan, sport sedan, eco-box, luxury eco-box, sport eco-box). In all seriousness the expensive end of the PH/EV market is devoured by Tesla and Aptera eats up the market share for the less expensive with Toyota and Honda gobbling up the mainstream hybrid markets for half the price. BMW and Merc both have PH power plants coming soon that will utterly disgrace the info thats already out on the volt.
That said... in a logical world no one would try and build this half-assed project, sell it for that price, against that competition...