Kamm is working very well at turning heads. Helping with mileage too but that is subjective because I have not been able to do tests. Terminal velocity on my coastdown was noticeably higher with the coroplast addition. High speed glide seems much better.
I wish I could quantify the change more scientifically but I never have the time for testing and I don't live near a flat stretch of road.
My improved overall mileage and some numbers do point to an improvement:
I did get a record highway run of 36 mpg, previous record: 33.3 All other recent runs have been higher as well.
Vacuum gauge shows 17inches at 80kph used to show 16.5
Since my overall mileage has been trending up, I will say that it works and I'm keeping it on but would like to rework it and finish the bottom sides. That will have to wait till spring.
V2 will be even better. More stainless, more lexan, less drag.
In the meantime, check out my Prius rescue thread, link below: Transaxle guts and takedown gore to ensue shortly...
Vortex generators are old tech. My new and improved vortex alternators are unstoppable.
"It’s easy to explain how rockets work but explaining the aerodynamics of a wing takes a rocket scientist.