A bit of housekeeping:
Originally Posted by MetroMPG
Crud. Just noticed a bunch of earlier images I had hosted at theimagehosting.com have disappeared. I'm going to have to go through the thread and fix stuff.
FYI the images in this thread are all fixed now, save for a few that other people posted themselves. Some of theirs have apparently been moved or deleted.
theimagehosting.com still hosts quite a number for this thread that are still working, but my lesson has been learned: I'm moving them all to my own domain.
xs.to was another image hosting service I used for some of the images in this thread (mostly because it was convenient: you could quickly upload images without an account). Its images had also disappeared.
Lesson learned!
I've been invited to give a talk about the car. The location is about 30 km away (too far to get safely in cold weather). So I'm considering doing a 2-part trip, topping up at a friend's place so I can actually have the car there for the event.
Other than that, no ForkenSwift news to report. Ivan's had the car for the past couple of weeks. The weather has been amazing lately for what should be early winter, so I've been biking everywhere I can while it's still pleasant out.