I'm not concerned about being stranded. It's a manual, and if it's getting that low, I'll just do a bump-start before I come to a stop. I do that at stop signs anyway.
I'm more concerned about battery life. Discharging a normal car battery too far, or too frequently, will shorten it's useful life. Without the charger, I was seeing voltages down to 11.3 or 11.2 at the end of a long glide. As a drive goes on, it gets lower and lower. With the battery topped up, I'll get down to 11.8 or so - much better.
I will drop down to parking lights if it's a long stop - my taillights are still fully lit. I also use the parking brake and let off the brake pedal, for a little less drain.

11-mile commute: 100 mpg - - - Tank: 90.2 mpg / 1191 miles