Working on it now!
Kind of at a sticking point due to some of the annoyances that thanksgiving provides, but I think I can get some wiring and stuff done later tonight even if I can't get access to ball joint tools for my knuckles or do the exhaust due to noise.
First, a question. Anyone have tips for the UCA ball joint on hondas?
Now, I'll try to make a list of what I need to do, just so I can stay on track:
- Fix the fuel line. Currently I can't mount the fuel filter on the firewall AND have the fuel line reach the fuel rail. Either I need to find another line or go ahead and figure out how to hang the stupid fuel filter so that it'll let the line reach.
- Clutch hookup. Need to figure out how to work this hydraulic clutch junk that nobody in their right mind would like.
- Axles. Swapping the knuckles and shoving the axles in, etc. Not too big of a deal I don't think, but I need a pickle fork.
- Exhaust. Need to weld some sort of crazy s-bend together. Probably not going to be the prettiest thing in the world.
- Immobilizer bypass. I bought one but I don't know if it'll work out. We'll see. I think now this might be the source of my power issues?
- Other wiring. Things like brake lights and heater controls are anything but working at this point, I'd say.
Hopefully I'm not forgetting anything truly important and I manage to get things together. I'm a little apprehensive though. We'll see! I'll update if I remember more tasks.