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Old 11-30-2009, 03:38 PM   #7 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by MetroMPG View Post
Clean installation. Added to the EM project library.

Probably don't have to say this, but with a vehicle that uses a lot of fuel, changes to "MPG" from mods are going to be relatively small, numerically.

I often see people say things like "only a 1 mpg gain? It's not worth it!". Which of course isn't true with a thirsty vehicle if you look at the volume of fuel saved, rather than MPG figures. (Not implying you'll see a 1 mpg gain.)
I decided that any gains are going to be tough to see (0.5-1 mpg) and could be written off as being within the usual fluctuations in mpg, so I went ahead and did the partial belly pan as well since I had some time (a rare occurance).

The belly pan was a lot more effort, but I think it came out nice. I'll get pics up in the next couple days.

I took a longer trip over the long weekend. Fuel mileage wasn't what I was hoping for, but I was carrying a decent load and went through four steep mountain passes, so it's hard to say if my mods helped or not.
Past Cars:

2001 Civic HX Mods


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