The current plan is to use the manual transmission from the S10.
It's always been a good transmission to me and I already have it.
I am not planning on abusing it, doing burn-outs, etc.
I really do want a manual transmission. My last vehicle before the truck had an automatic. I hated it. All my other vehicles were always stick.
I am planning on bench-marking the engine on petroleum diesel. Then go to as much bio-diesel as I can after that.
Part of the reason I chose this engine is that I COULD run veggie oil through it if I want.
I think I want to just stick with bio-diesel to start with for now. I think I would only need to do a couple of things to the engine, fuel hoses, etc to make it easier to add veggie oil later.
My friend Swee has run both bio-diesel and veggie oil Mercedes, so he will be the go-to guy on any veggie oil system.