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Old 12-08-2009, 11:47 AM   #29 (permalink)
EcoModding Lurker
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Hi Marty,
Unfortunately the high cost of an electric waterpump for the LS1 is holding me back to purchase one.
I use 2 x5 Watt flexible solar panels in the back to charge the 12V battery while the car is parked.
Since I have other intrumentation onboard (Wideband O2 sensor, datalogger etc.) I tend to use more electricity than stock. In addition to that I drive mostly short distances so the battery gets weak after a while. I just installed them temporarily to see if they have an impact or not.

Another thing that I have done is to enable torque converter lockup in 3rd gear. Since you have a manual, this doesn't apply to your car.
So far I would say the underbody covers have improved mileage the most. Another big help is the engine block and transmission heater.

I'm also looking into converting to LED lights for the DRL and signal lights as well as the rear and brake lights.
According to some old GM article that I read on the C5 ,the DRLs alone account for .25mpg.

I have also raised the tire pressure to about 40 psi. This seems to help also, although the ride gets a little rough sometimes.
I hope in January I will have my new cam delivered and then install the new -25% underdrive pulley that I have laying around.
If I come by a cheap electric waterpump by then I will install this too.
I read an another forum that one guy gained 4 mpg from pulley and waterpump.

What are your plans for your C5?
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