Originally Posted by Daox
Yeah, I think that does sound more efficient/better/less prone to failure due to clogging etc.
Back to the PWM controller, I tried it out last night and... well there was a fairly violent electrical explosion, the biggest one I've seen from a simple 12V circuit anyway.  So, I need to get a replacement mosfet and check what the heck I soldered in wrong. Powering the EGR valve up manually it doens't pull more than 1.3A, so the controller is plenty capable of handling the power requirements. I must have done something wrong at assembly.
Very cool project! Keep up the good work and hang in there.
I'm looking at doing a home built design unit for my car also. My thoughts are to run two 38mm waste gates. One to control boost, the other to act like a EGR valve. This one will be ran off my electric boost controller in my efi software. I already have a AEM electronic boost solenoid. I will have to run CO2 to use as a media to open this waste-gate under low to no boost. The other waste-gate will be activated by my manual boost controller.