Currently Riding this 'Bent
It's a beast - 45 pounds of cheap imported mild steel
When not riding the 'bent... I'm riding this....
No clue how much it weighs... But it's a very old lugged cro-moly frame + the obvious extras
(It is an old picture - I do have brakes and a better seat etc.).
It's not mine (either one), but it gets some use (one in foreground): 2007 UCF HPV
It is also a pig... At 90 pounds
Luckily, most of that is in the fairing - and we're optimizing for weight for next year's HPV.
Trying to Buy:
32 pounds (not the lightest - but very nice
Luckily for me - there's no appreciable hills (well, no hills really - just gentle slopes)
So weight isn't really a factor that concerns me
Oh yeah... I like bikes. Especially your not so average variety. I'd commute to school on a penny farthing if I had one