Originally Posted by MetroMPG
Getting OT, but a question for trebuchet:
What's the deal with under seat steering on bents? The only bent I've ridden for any length of time was this BikeE (which was a complete blast), but I have to think that hip level steering would be so much more comfortable. Plus cooler looking.
Is it harder to ride? Less inherently stable, or something?
USS(under) vs. ASS(above).... It's mostly personal preference. USS puts your arms lower - you could argue it is more ergonomic for that reason. ASS will be more aerodynamic from a frontal area perspective and typically has less components (no need for linkages).
Theoretically, the steering is exactly the same. But at first, you may psych yourself out enough to make your steering a bit wonky.
But just like riding a recumbent in general... It's no more difficult than riding a bike. It's different, yes - but not more difficult
I personally prefer ASS - I've ridden both (and direct steer - in that velo-trike) - no particular reason though