Originally Posted by Frank Lee
bla bla... so has anyone gotten better fe cuz uh pulling the muffler off? Dint think so.
I DID!!!!!!!
current set up.....
There was a HUGE suitcase muffler here that i removed.
After removing it, I went and got the Smith-Corona Model 5000x digital led bluetooh printout bathroom scale and weighed it. 96.45326 lbs.
The two new mini 3000 ltd bio-flow corban inner-alloy shinie outie mufflers wiegh .95lbs each as per same bathroom scale.
Then after doing sufficent y-z-sleez-4-u-b-cz one-way driveway testing, the mileage improved because my daughter's boyfriend's 19 yr old brother said it felt like it got better......as he drove it off the ramps.

(ok so it was all downhill and I wouldn't let him turn on the engine)
ps....you know whats comin.....
to furthur enhance the JDM look........i did turndowns....
PPSS..i really don't make this stuff up!!!!
from:The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fourth Edition copyright ©2000 by Houghton Mifflin Company. Updated in 2009. Published by Houghton Mifflin Company. All rights reserved.
turn·down (trndoun)
A rejection.
2. One who has been turned down or rejected.
3. Something that is folded down, as on a garment.
4. A downturn.
Being or capable of being turned or folded down: a turndown collar.