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Old 12-16-2009, 09:53 PM   #12 (permalink)
EcoModding Lurker
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I've tried acetone. I live out in very rural farm country, where the quality of gas is definitely lower tier. Finding anything more than 87 octane at most stations is a surprise. So, I tried it. At 2.39 a gallon gasoline and 12.39 a gallon of acetone, it was slightly worse than a wash. But....
When a car sits over the winter (or in the case of my Merc, over the summer because the A/C don't work!) tossing in a couple of ounces per 10 gallons of what got left in the tank is a good way of restoring the volatile level. Same thing with the gas I store for the generator. And every "new" car I latch onto gets a couple tanks enhanced with acetone, because it cleans a fuel system out as good as seafoam, and I always have a can of it in the garage.
But I agree that it's bogus as an ongoing fuel saving technique.
'96 Escort LX, now known as "deerslayer"
'84 Merc Grand Marquis, affectionately known as "le barge"
~35,000 mostly 2 lane highway miles a year.

I was born a Rambler man, but with the passing of AMC (sigh), just give me another Ford.

How many kids with A.D.D. does it take to change a light bulb?
~ ~ ~
Hey, ya wanna go ride bikes?
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