Answering another question from e-mail:
Hi, my name is Andrés ****, I am from Argentina.
I write to you because I'm starting an EV conversion and I'm doing someresearch on forklift motors.
I found your evalbum entry and so I wanted to ask if you could tell me
some things about the motor you are using, such as power and tension if
you have that info.
Hi Andrés -
Unfortunately, the motor did not come with any specifications. All I can tell you is its dimensions: 8 inch diameter x 15 inch length x 110 lbs. It was run at 36 volts originally, and we've got it at 48 volts now, averaging probably 70-120 amps with peaks up around 300.
We were told by a motor expert that it's a very sturdy motor and could easily handle being fed a diet of 120 volts and high amps (occasionally).
I have visitid some junkyards but nobody had a clear notion about DC
motors and the only motors they had were asyncronous AC motors which were
heavier than the donor car itself.
That's unusual. Maybe most forklifts are propane? I'm sure if you keep looking & asking, you'll find what you need to know.
Note also: our motor is not the forklift's drive (traction) motor. It is one of the motors that ran a hydraulic pump.
On a different subject I visited Canada earlier this year and I would like
say that you have a very beatiful country. I stayed in Ottawa and
Kemptville and I took the 1000 islands boat ride, so I think I drove past
your city. Had I known I was that close to a real EV I would have tried to
take a look at it.
Well, you would have been welcome to see the car. Next time you're coming, let me know!
And thanks, it is a lovely area. It's sometimes easy to stop noticing when you get used to looking at the scenery.