My post was carefully apolitical, in the sense that it favored neither republicans nor democrats. Both have done a lousy job of promoting energy efficiency in general, and fuel economy in vehicles in particular, in my opinion. If anything, I have gone off topic on economic modeling theory, not politics.
My point was that it seems hard to understand how spending tax money in this fashion can help our cause of better vehicle efficiency, at all. It is very unlikely that any of these "free" electric vehicles will displace miles driven by ICE vehicles to any meaningful extent. If we take this public policy to it's logical extreme, why don't we just buy everybody who pays a tax bill, a free electric golf cart, because that will help the environment so much more? Get a bunch more ICE vehicles off the road NOW!
The moderators should feel free to remove the offending post if deemed inappropriate.
Finest regards,
2004 VW TDI PD on bio
want to build 150 mpg diesel streamliner.
Last edited by solarguy; 12-21-2009 at 06:59 PM..