Originally Posted by elhigh
I seem to recall reading somewhere that the drag coefficient of that body is better in reverse than forward. Pick the body up, spin it 'round on the chassis, do the trip again.
That was the Pinto - ask Bob Glidden! (edit: or was that Jack Roush? Gawd, the '70's were a long time ago!)
'96 Escort LX, now known as "deerslayer"
'84 Merc Grand Marquis, affectionately known as "le barge"
~35,000 mostly 2 lane highway miles a year.
I was born a Rambler man, but with the passing of AMC (sigh), just give me another Ford.
How many kids with A.D.D. does it take to change a light bulb?
~ ~ ~
Hey, ya wanna go ride bikes?