The difference between the Kelly and the Zilla 1K-LV is night and day! I can zip around town great, but I did have to lower the battery AMP draw quite a bit to keep the battery abuse down. I am slowly breaking in the battery pack, and have about 40 or so miles on it now. I want at least 100 miles before I go do some serious testing.
I have ordered a new suspension system from eBay, a Skunk2 Race set. That should fix my low rear end because of the batteries. I also can't drive it at night because since the rear is so low, the front is so high up that the headlights don't hit the road!
I still am working on the heat issue. I am going to call around this week and try to find a place that can drain my AC coolant, because I need to remove the Evaporator to get my to old heater core. I am going to install a 1500 Watt ceramic element for simplicity. I was going to make an attachment that would go onto the dash for heating, but that would be just as much work as installing the heater properly.