Ford Man: Engine Off Coasting isn't strictly a
replacement for Deceleration Fuel Cut Off.
Coasting to a stop with the engine off is definitely more efficient than DCFO to a stop (because the coast is longer).
Originally Posted by jamesqf
one problem might be trying to drive by the ScanGauge fuel consumption indicator. I've had one in the Insight for several years, and my experience has been that the SG fuel consumption indication is very slow to respond at best
I guess whether it's slow or not depends which gauge you're using . Tank average? Slow to change (unless you just filled & reset). Trip average? Depends on trip length. Instant? Not slow, by definition!
Like Robert: I have the TRIP mpg up as one of my gauges, along with instant MPG - because I drive with load (DWL) a lot, and use instant to stick to a target MPG on the open road.
As Daox says, you're already doing decently. Without seeing your driving first hand, I'd guess the remaining big gains are to be found on the freeway portion (by slowing down, or taking an alternate slower route), and in the "light traffic and 10 stoplights" portion where your anticipation, momentum preservation and EOC opportunities come up, and a bunch of unavoidable hard stops can flush 50 mpg pretty quickly. (Pulse and glide is a potential tool too, if you're comfortable/skilled enough to do it safely in a way that doesn't negatively affect other drivers.)