Yes, there is a speed vs RPM graph at InsightCentral, in the Encyclopedia, but it's not very precise. Just drop a bicycle GPS in there for now and call it "good enough for now". Actually, I bet that would pass inspection.

Originally Posted by SVOboy
P0118 [SOLVED]
P0141 [SOLVED]
P1523 - brake booster pressure sensor - not plugged in?
P1542 - HTRS Passenger Compartment Heater Circuit Standby Signal ... - this is an input for the IMA system. See p 11-170. I bet you could replace the heater panel with the right size resistor. Maybe get someone to take some measurements on Heater Panel Pin 8 on a hot Insight? Don't look at me; it's COLD out there.
P1644 - My Motor Control Module! I can't feel my Motor Control Module!