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Old 01-02-2010, 09:46 PM   #552 (permalink)
Left Lane Ecodriver
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Originally Posted by SVOboy View Post
What the devil is a brake booster pressure sensor? My brake booster doesn't have one . Think I can just jump the wires and it'll make the code go away?
It measures vacuum at the brake booster, so the car can re-start the engine if you deplete the vacuum assist during idle stop (which I find unlikely, since idle stop doesn't work above 17mph).

Edit: it's a 3-wire device: power, gnd, signal. So the easiest way is probably to buy one and supply it with vacuum, maybe using a vacuum tee upwind of your brake booster check valve. But maybe you could put the right sized resistor between VCC and SIG to make the ECU see vacuum.

And yeah, that's the graph. Which isn't helpful because there's no vertical lines on it except at 6000rpm, and because speed limits aren't posted in KPH around here.

Last edited by RobertSmalls; 01-02-2010 at 09:56 PM..
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