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Old 03-20-2008, 02:45 AM   #17 (permalink)
Join Date: Jan 2008
Location: KY
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You are right in that if you bring your KY Jelly and show up at a tranny shop with your checkbook in hand, you can expect a HUGE BILL for changing gearsets. Depending on the year of Extragoode's Frontier, there are complete axles on eBay right now for $159 & up already set up. If freight is about $100 and new U-bolts are about $25 AND you are like me and do it all yourself, then a budget of $600 is just about doable. No shop will do anything for $300 anymore it seems.

Has Extragoode calibrated his/her speedo? Perhaps the previous owner put in lower gears to pull those huge meats around as they are going to have a huge rolling resistance. Narrow & tall tires are a better bet for mpg, so whip out your wallet. If you want maximum mpg then that off road mountain goat image has got to go. There are many ratios available and I would look for stock or close to it. Determine your present ratio by painting a stripe onto your driveshaft and tires, then count shaft vs. tire revolutions. Do the math.

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