chrstpyr thanks for all those numbers you crunched, on the pattern of the diamond plate i was thinking it would help the aero under the car, some car companys dimple the pans on purpose it helps somehow,but i think you guys have convinced me i need to go lighter anyway, i think i will go with aluminum flat stock and some form of plastic, i buy alot of (hyzod) "lexan" from a plastic company in jacksonville fl Farco plastics, i will drop by there on monday and see what they have thats "coroplast like" maybe they have something thats stronger and not too heavy, im driving to raliegh NC in a week or so, a 1000 mile round trip so i want my pan in before i go. by the way how air tight against the bottom of the car does this need to be, i dont think i can seal it 100% because of the suspention at the wheel wells.