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Old 01-13-2010, 02:45 PM   #1 (permalink)
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Automotive X-Prize: "The Very Light Car" (also very aero) with conventional engine

Alerted to this via ABG:

(You know you're an EcoModder when you show the rear view first )

The company, Edison2, is located in Lynchburg, Virginia, and ruled out an EV drivetrain primarily due to the weight of batteries.

We don't have any details on the weight or CdA, but they're dealing with an order of magnitude change in some areas on the weight side of things:

Every component of the Very Light Car has been evaluated for function and redesigned with an eye to simplicity, strength and low weight. Brakes that normally weigh 10 lbs are less than a pound; lug nuts 0.2 oz instead of 2 oz. - source
Here's the drivetrain. Anyone recognize it? Looks to me like it may be a motorbike engine:

Source: Edison2: The Very Light Car (X PRIZE Contender) - Gallery - The Very LightCar

Space frame:

Unfinished body shell:

ABG called it a "poor man's Aptera". Not very nice! (Probably not true, either.) Coincidentally, there's an Aptera in the left side of the above photo.

Web site: Edison2: The Very Light Car (X PRIZE Contender) - The Very Light Car

Attached Thumbnails
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aerohead (02-10-2010), dcb (01-13-2010)