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Old 01-13-2010, 07:14 PM   #7 (permalink)
EcoModding Apprentice
Join Date: Jul 2009
Location: Live in Tucson AZ, work and car now in Detroit
Posts: 200

Protege - '97 Mazda Protege DX
90 day: 46.42 mpg (US)
Thanks: 13
Thanked 23 Times in 18 Posts
Removed my A/C on 97 Protege. Total weight of all removed components is 45lbs. I also removed Power steering which got rid a whole belt. I figure I gained a couple of HP not turnning the belt/PS pump, compressor flywheel. So if removing yours saves you a belt and some rotating components then go for it. Also better flow through radiator so grill block can be more agressive.
The reason I removed it was that stopped working and my commute is 5.5miles and 22 traffic lights. I'm removing as much weight as possible since aero stuff will not help me since I never get over 30mph.
First, Go to a local shop and spend 20 bucks to have them pump the system dry. That way you're saving the environment.
Now start unbolting everything, weighing it and take it to the metal recycling yard. Make sure you put back all the underbody plastic that you took off to get to the last bolts.
My evaporator was behind my glove box. So I pulled out the plastic box where it is kept. Take it out of the box and then tape up (duct tape, or equivalent) the holes in the box and the holes in the firewall. reinstall the plastic box that is now empty. That way all the air flow stays the same.
Good luck.
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