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Old 01-17-2010, 06:14 PM   #19 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Bicycle Bob View Post
Having to watch and listen instead of read the intro here was very tedious. As a medium, video is expensive and fragile, hard to reference and easy to abuse with content that bypasses the critical faculties.
LOL! Yep, and amen. I have ADD bad, which really isn't a deficit. I can speed read at a pretty good rate, and always have good comprehension. But listening to somebody read an argument to me is PAINFUL!!!
When I read (being ADD and capable of having, oh, 20 or 100 trains of thought running at the same time, I can be building better arguments for and constructing arguments against, all at the same time as I read. As a mathematician, I'm usually also reformatting the argument I'm reading into informal boolean"ish" syllogisms. Makes it easier to argue for or against.
But when some clown is reading it to me, I can't pick out the important words, discard the rest, and get on with it. I'm stuck hearing EVERY WORD, most of which are unimportant.

See Jerry Mander's book "Four arguments for the elimination of Television. I'm 61, and have never owned a TV until youtube appeared.
Somebody else has read that book? Wow. Thought I was the only one. And yes, his arguments make even more sense today.
'96 Escort LX, now known as "deerslayer"
'84 Merc Grand Marquis, affectionately known as "le barge"
~35,000 mostly 2 lane highway miles a year.

I was born a Rambler man, but with the passing of AMC (sigh), just give me another Ford.

How many kids with A.D.D. does it take to change a light bulb?
~ ~ ~
Hey, ya wanna go ride bikes?
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