A simple LCD interface
I wrote a long discourse on the details, but I've deleted it and I'll summarize it with - A tiny processor, fully capable of processing VSS and injector pulses, won't handle a LCD display. It requires too many pins for communication and too much memory for LCD libraries. The options are: A bigger processor with more memory and I/O, or a LCD daughter board. The first requiring more programming, and the other more hardware.
So I figure, if someone can process the VSS and injector signals via a tiny chip, and dcb can develop the User Interface on an inexpensive Palm platform, we can come up with an cheap FE gauge for the masses. (The FE logic can always be ported to other platforms later, for more complex systems) Otherwise, we start with a powerful platform and build a LCD UI from scratch... Hmmm, dbc's suggestion for V1 is sounding cheap, fast and easy to me.
How much does a MID cost?
Roll on,