Couldn't resist sharing my little milestone with you of the controller board connected to an igbt today. Still some work left to do though..
And for what it is worth I would like to share some funny experience with using a USB-RS232 converter with a laptop running windows to connect it to the RTD-Explorer. I had to do that as the new laptop had no serial port anymore.
The first time I connected it, it worked fine, the driver used COM4 which information can be retrieved in the device manager. Later however it did not connect properly anymore. It took me a while to figure out that when my cellphone is nearby, the laptop establishes a bluetooth connection who's drivers claim COM4, COM5, COM6 and COM7.
Hence, the RTD-Explorer should suddenly connect through COM8 ....
Just in case you run into connection problems one day... just didge your bluetooth cellphone (preferably send it to me ....)