I did a run without preheat, but this time I waited for 45ish seconds before driving up the steep part where the engine kicks in. Up to that point it's using the mg2 and the engine idles.
I had a surprisingly good result on that trip although the residual heat in the engine and tranny may have played a part. 12˚ vs 5˚ I will try that again tomorrow with the preheat and see how I fare.
I need a 45 second countdown timer.
Im also wondering if the Prius does not light off the cat after a long ev or warp stealth. I notice that the MPG takes a mighty jump after restart before settling down some seconds later. If so it would be a better strategy to restart but wait till the enrichment ends before putting on the power. If so, it would be nice to have a red/green light for this.
Vortex generators are old tech. My new and improved vortex alternators are unstoppable.
"It’s easy to explain how rockets work but explaining the aerodynamics of a wing takes a rocket scientist.