Right now I'm watching the injector milliseconds and the #1-O2 sensor for my cold start driveway routine. When #1-O2 starts to fluctuate, I zip up the driveway looking for the lowest microseconds. When the O2 starts to jump around it's out of open loop. the bypass cat section will absorb the nasties till the cat proper can take over if it's not already hot by then.
I'm also watching the INJ MS for the best pulse/accell rpm so far ~ 2200 rpm = ~ 6.125ms and the best accell.
I'd never be able to figure this out without the Graham.
I have a mac powerbookG4 but all the software based programs I have seen are on PC
The autoenginuity is the best one I have found that covers even the hybrid subcodes with the toyota upgrade.
Vortex generators are old tech. My new and improved vortex alternators are unstoppable.
"It’s easy to explain how rockets work but explaining the aerodynamics of a wing takes a rocket scientist.