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Old 01-30-2010, 12:53 AM   #13 (permalink)
El Duende
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QG - '02 Nissan Sentra GXE
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Originally Posted by SentraSE-R View Post
Its about 400 miles to my mom's in SoCal. I used to have to fill up midway. Now I hypermile, and count on getting there on one tank, no matter what I'm driving.

I go 55-60 mph max unless it's a two lane road. Faster traffic can go around me. Their hurry is their worry, not my problem. California law requires me to pull over if I have five cars stacked up behind me. I pull over and let them pass when I'm impeding traffic.

Being a hypermiler with a manual transmission, I get to use my BSFC sweet spots. The Spec V gets to accelerate at 90% LOD, which is pretty spirited. The acceleration is followed by a lot of slow coasting, but it's part of a big video game.
400 miles in one tank?! That's using every last penny spent on gas right there.

I'm surprised that it gets to the point where you have to pull over. That must be a hassle, considering the fact that you have to work your way back up to speed.

Don't know what "BSFC" or "LOD" stand for.
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