Originally Posted by SentraSE-R
I don't often push my tank fills to the limit, but I can always count on getting 400 miles to a tank in my Spec V. My last fill was 386 miles, and I took 10.53 gal (= 36.6 mpg, below my lifetime average), but I still had 2.7 gal. left in the tank to drive on - at least 50 more miles. My longest tank in my Sentra was 475 miles last November.
Actually, I've only pulled over for having 5 cars behind me once or twice. I usually just speed up. But I have pulled over on local country roads for just one car.
BSFC is Brake Specific Fuel Consumption - your maximum power produced for fuel consumed shown on a graph. LOD is the ScanGauge load value. Driving to use BSFC is a good way to maximize your mileage. LOD helps you do it most effectively on a manual transmission car. Automatics slip their torque converters in an out-of-control manner, so it's difficult to drive for BSFC with them.
I still can't believe you managed to get that high consistently with that car. You're saving some serious cash.
I'll look BSFC up and see what it is for my Sentra. That should help my MPGs. I've been driving more conservatively now and it feels good. Tomorrow I'll be performing that weight reduction I mentioned. I have high expectations of its overall effects.
And I just realized what you were referring to in your first post by calling me elf lol!