As for Ron and his company, in the engineering community they are not well received. He is not to welcomed here either apparently:
Toward the end of the thread they talk about the company from more recent observations. Also in a couple other engineering and scientific forums the concept of their electric-pulse alternate firing engine is pointed out as having some pretty major holes. Simply there isn't enough energy in the gasoline, regardless of the alternate firing, electric motorsupplementation to have even that kind of mileage. I don't know enough or the details to make to critical a judgment. But from what information has been released on the system, I'm inclined to agree with the two communities.
I guess I don't understand where you think I am wrong. (and thank you for your politeness by the way).
In reference to what specifically? Christ and I talked about your point #1 and in what manner hydrogen is appropriated to provide any benefits related to the I.C.E. in particular.
In small amounts (how small? experimenters reports very small amounts as effective)...
Define experimenters? If your talking about Dr. Heywood and his team at MIT then there is much information to read through by searching their studies on line and through the MIT or Sloan School of Engineering sight. Cal Tech and the Sandia Labs at Livermore have also many white papers and or general information available on line related to this subject. (sorry, but to give you a bunch of links takes to much time and I've spent a bit more than I usually allow my self for forum time!)
Bottom line: as some of those in the general public with differentiating levels of education and experience make attempts to better their lives through countless "experiments" made by others who've derived at so many "conclusions" and "findings," it's become a time and labor intensive theme to get the right ideas that require the minimal amount of effort, with just a little money, to accomplish a big improvement.(in this case, economy.) Where as it has taken countless well educated (meaning going through the long years of college and university studies, undergrad work, research, etc.) scientist and engineers to bring solid information to the next level of scientist and engineers to another level and so on... to where it is now. The benefit now is theexpediency in which information can be readily available for the next set. However, often only parts of this information is being extracted from individuals who do not have the years of other information related. (that information which builds the foundation for learning and understanding further expanded and developed information in all the subjects related to any one particular individuals interest.) This takes time and it takes time for anyone. But keep asking questions and search you fingers off. Learning is fun.