So it's an interesting report, with results to be expected. The same is accomplished with emulsifying the fuel with water, which is cleaner emissions. From a business stand point, for the cost of hydrogen, (and the change in combustion pressures 'within the structure of the travel and burn rate' can be a bad thing in diesels, hence part reason not utilized at lower rpm or idle nor were cause and effect, long term discussed. I also imagine they don't stick a tube in the air cleaner and have a well interfacing electronics and other controls I'm not privy to. Granted I still can't pull up the file, I get a blank page. I'd like to read everything. I'll try a different server. )
Also, apparently the findings are fairly insignificant as I can't find any one company utilizing this type of procedure on any fleet vehicle from two search engines. (still looking actually) Legitimate companies with a large fleet. Companies like that would want to take advantage of even a 3% to 5% increase in mileage providing the cost of the unit and installation has a return within their budgeted ROI on such expenditures.
There are so many regulations from so many different government implemented organizations that unless the entire package shows "significant" positive and long term benefits, they don't make any kind of market place. This is why you find so many individuals (smaller companies) trying to sell these on board units. Water is easier to carry, safer and apparently starting to make some headway into certain markets.
This was interesting, seems like some honesty in their writing anyway:
Also this has been somewhat on going:
This is the testing MSN tested.