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Old 02-09-2010, 10:36 PM   #39 (permalink)
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Another consideration: instead of eating more, you might just reduce caloric output in other areas of life to compensate. This could be not going to the gym (saving money on the membership) or jogging after work since you got your exercise during your commute, or it could be something sub-conscious like you fidget a little less when sitting at your desk. Studies have shown that if you force feed people more calories than normal, they tend to fidget more.

I was gonna also add that the original calculations of the caloric needs of cycling seem to have not deducted the base metabolic rate (only about 250-300 additional calories), that there will eventually be extra costs in health care from not getting exercise, and the money saved by not paying insurance and and parking and maintenance and the car payments themselves, but someone beat me to it

Bottom line, car doesn't come remotely close to being as cheap as a bike by any measure when all costs are taken into account

Originally Posted by Piwoslaw View Post
A few months ago I returned home just as my neighbor pulled into his driveway. It was cold (around freezing) with some rain and sleet, and he yells to me: You rode your bike? In this weather?!?

So the other day we both returned home at the same time again, only now the weather is warm, sunny, with no wind. And I yell to him: You took the car? In this weather?!?
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