Originally Posted by moonmonkey
try to imagine the grey area matching ,the original silver (sqwint eyes), the black represents sheet metal bent and welded onto existing body.The kammback above the rear window would be braced to hold the heinges for the hatch. the silver is acrylic (plexiglass) heat formed, maybe with thin metal rods to help it hold an arched shape ,or maybe leave it fairly flat ,this is going to take a little while to design so it looks good, ill probably paint the whole car black also ,even ugly cars look ok black. maybe a hatch from a junk yard car might fit,, although i dont know of one that will taper in enough toward the rear where the narrowing is going on.
For what you've shown I believe you'll be rewarded at the pump.
I would recommend that you investigate a really nice top quality trunk-mount bicycle rack as a form of attachment.
Modern units are so well conceived and constructed,that you could attach your entire mods to one,without sacrificing the body of the Echo and allow easy on and off should your utility needs change.Just a thought.