Last weekend i installed a push button start. You still need the key turned to the "on" position, but the button starts the engine. I spliced it between pins 4 and 6. This way i can use the key or the button.
Now i want to install a kill switch, but i want it to be in conjunction with the key as well. What i mean is, when i turn the switch off i want the same thing to happen like when you turn the key to off. When i put the switch back on, i want it to be like when you turn the key to on, but not start the engine.
I'm pretty sure i would use pins 3 and 4 for the kill switch but i could be wrong. How exactly should i wire it? Should i splice it in like i did with the push button, or is there another way to do it? Also if anyone needs anymore pics let me know. I have the wiring manual for the car on my computer.
Sorry for the pic, it was the best i could do.