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Old 03-04-2010, 06:37 PM   #64 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Christ View Post

That's my conspiracy theory, no matter who believes it.
I believe you,

Sad part is at least for my great uncle who is no longer here to tell the tale, is that there was no theory.

The place he worked at had its well closed because of their deed being nullified. I remember him telling more but I was relatively young, would have been nice to have him write down what happened to him and his friends on that regard the what were and who. He likely told me but I don't remember anymore. My mother and father remember some but they didn't pay much attention it seemed. His wife talked about how they had to move after the government closed the well and they ended up back in Iowa and eventually got a farm.

I have a feeling if others here knew people of the right age, likely you would find similar stories that directly affected them, not everything seems to get put as important history for some reason.

Better reason to keep track and remember I guess.

The sad truth is the really important info isn't kept because people desire to take their info from one source they trust, meaning the individual is left out.

As a whole we know everything, individually very little. I find the information age seems to be almost as much as an information vacuum as it is a provider of such.
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