What interests me about this design is the dual outputs. I'm looking for something like this due to having a compound motor. If you can spare me a board i'd love to have a play

Does this use a pic? Have you a circuit? I can possibly help with the code as I know the pics quite well. I graduated to a 16C54 after the 6502!
Agree 100% about modern computers. Sadly as processor power has increased , software has became more and more lazy to the point that an old 8 bit machine could probably outperform a quad core at simple math routines.
How do you communicate with the CAN bus? Back in the day I used something called a vector canalayser in work. Very expensive.
By the way i'll be testing out your "anti toyota" code tomorrow

Now, Cole, when you shift the gear and that little needle on the ammeter goes into the red and reads 2000 Amps, that's bad.