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Old 03-06-2010, 07:56 AM   #3091 (permalink)
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what about a complete 6502 based microcomputer board with ram , rom , pia and address decoding all built on a slab of plain matrix board with each connection hand soldered. 8 bit data bus , 16 bit address bus and cant cross each other!

AND using a manual eprom programmer. Setting up each byte and address with dip switches and toggling the r/w line. Took some time to fill up a 4k eprom After that i graduated to an 8086XT with a homemade eprom programmer running dos 4. bleeding edge stuff.

this was the genesis of Bauer's first law of electronics:
Keep it simple.

Now, Cole, when you shift the gear and that little needle on the ammeter goes into the red and reads 2000 Amps, that's bad.
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Old 03-06-2010, 03:05 PM   #3092 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by jackbauer View Post
what about a complete 6502 based microcomputer board with ram , rom , pia and address decoding all built on a slab of plain matrix board with each connection hand soldered. 8 bit data bus , 16 bit address bus and cant cross each other!

AND using a manual eprom programmer. Setting up each byte and address with dip switches and toggling the r/w line. Took some time to fill up a 4k eprom After that i graduated to an 8086XT with a homemade eprom programmer running dos 4. bleeding edge stuff.

this was the genesis of Bauer's first law of electronics:
Keep it simple.

Like this - (could not find my huge Z80 board with the machine language program in Rom )

Note the massive heat-sink for all those TTL lol.....
See how nice we used to ground the Xtal...
AND those plug-in resistor banks - Oh way too much work....
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Dave ...
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Old 03-06-2010, 03:27 PM   #3093 (permalink)
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Ah the Z80! I was just too young to have bought the zx81 in kit form Great processor though. Hey wasn't there something on this thread about a guy building a dc motor controller .............
Now, Cole, when you shift the gear and that little needle on the ammeter goes into the red and reads 2000 Amps, that's bad.
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Old 03-06-2010, 03:42 PM   #3094 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by jackbauer View Post
Ah the Z80! I was just too young to have bought the zx81 in kit form Great processor though. Hey wasn't there something on this thread about a guy building a dc motor controller .............
Yep and we hijacked it! Sorry Paul... ( the Zilog Z80 chip I used as industrial control - built from the ground up - NOT the Z80 from Radio Shack - nuff of this! I think we will all prove how old we are lol - back to the real world of a controller - keep it coming Paul .... )
Dave ...
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Old 03-06-2010, 04:05 PM   #3095 (permalink)
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I love old computers! My family's first was an Osborn (osborne?). Well, weyerhaeuser loaned it to my dad, and all 5 of us kids got a bunch of peanut butter stuck in the keys, and he got in big trouble.

I would still use the 386 (I know, sort of modern compared to a z80) if I could go on the internet with it. It actually loads and runs programs faster than my 4.2GHz dual core processor. hahaha. I really really miss when you had full control over the computer. And when you wanted to turn it off, you turned it off! Not wait 1 hour for the daily updates to security to install. And when you programmed assembly language, you could do anything you wanted to any part of the memory. I'm actually getting depressed now. I better change my conversation. But that's why I like microcontroller programming so much!

Hey Here are some pictures of the partially populated SR control board, and the current sensor test:
Control Board:

Current is 194.1amps. Output voltage on current sensor is 2.866v.

Current is 0amp. Output voltage on current sensor is 2.465v.

How hot is it (degC)? (I warmed it up with a blower thing)

The whole crappy setup! hahaha.
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Old 03-06-2010, 04:20 PM   #3096 (permalink)
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Nice board!

I like the use of black tape on the chair LOL (especially with the mallet nearby to "adjust" things - ahhhh a man after my own methods !)
Dave ...
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Old 03-06-2010, 05:12 PM   #3097 (permalink)
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Excellent work paul. When will these boards be available? Or are you just selling to oems?

Hey Dave its like the captain said in lethal weapon 4:
"Hey, I almost got shot by a hot-rodder with a zip gun; that's how far back *I* go"
Now, Cole, when you shift the gear and that little needle on the ammeter goes into the red and reads 2000 Amps, that's bad.
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Old 03-07-2010, 05:02 AM   #3098 (permalink)
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Hey Jack! I have 4 other boards. There are a few annoyances that I've found while assembling it today (a couple component spacing issues, and R29 text I think that was obscured by a via), but nothing horrible as far as mistakes go. Another thing, this one only has CAN (and not rs232). But if you choose to use CAN, you need to leave out a couple of the components on the power input, like the choke, and a diode. I'm going to leave CAN out this time, since there's no network for it to talk with anyway.

There definitely needs to be a version 2, but for crazy people like Jack , this board would be no problem. You can have one if you want! I haven't tested it yet. Heck, I need to finish the software still! man! dang it. This thing better work, or I'm going to be so mad I'll punch Oprah right in her fat rolls!

Almost done!:
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Old 03-07-2010, 05:28 AM   #3099 (permalink)
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What interests me about this design is the dual outputs. I'm looking for something like this due to having a compound motor. If you can spare me a board i'd love to have a play Does this use a pic? Have you a circuit? I can possibly help with the code as I know the pics quite well. I graduated to a 16C54 after the 6502!

Agree 100% about modern computers. Sadly as processor power has increased , software has became more and more lazy to the point that an old 8 bit machine could probably outperform a quad core at simple math routines.

How do you communicate with the CAN bus? Back in the day I used something called a vector canalayser in work. Very expensive.

By the way i'll be testing out your "anti toyota" code tomorrow
Now, Cole, when you shift the gear and that little needle on the ammeter goes into the red and reads 2000 Amps, that's bad.
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Old 03-07-2010, 05:43 AM   #3100 (permalink)
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Hi Jack! It's funny you should mention the dual outputs. Fran was just talking to me about how an SR controller is hardware identical to a separately excited motor controller. It will be no problem for that I think. 2 isolated pwm signals. heck ya! the CINCON comes in 0-15v versions too (and -15 to 15v). All with 3kV for 1 minute of isolation rating.

This is set up for either a dsPIC2010 or dsPIC4012 (28 pin dip). Without the can bus interface, you can use the really cheap dsPIC2010. I think that canbus is only good for communicating really fast (1 Mbps is no problem for it) between nodes in a high noise environment. It's not good for displaying stuff for humans to read. haha. However, on the next board, I'll use the dsPIC30F4011, which has both rs232 and CAN (and 40 pins). So, the nodes can talk to each other, and then the serial can display data like text for people to read.

By the way, the main benefit of CAN in my opinion is for a BMS. Lots of noise immunity. That's why I'm going to use it.

I'll mail you one.

HAHAHA, i JUST GOT YOUR ANTI-TOYOTA code. hahahahaha. Right. I hope I didn't make a mistake. It might have to be recalled.

Oh ya, I forgot about the schematic. I don't have a good way of posting it. It's in PCB Artist. Maybe I could take screenshots of several pieces of it.

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Last edited by MPaulHolmes; 03-07-2010 at 06:16 AM..
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