Originally Posted by rmay635703
So how much of a fuel economy increase did it provide in your car?
Did what he say would happen happen?
And if you actually want to test something, powder 12oz of pure napathlene in a safe well ventilated area with a mask, making sure face and cloths cannot get contaminated.
Add to 4 gallons of gas and blend.
Burn this mixture in an OBDII power car AKA 96+
Report back what happens.
Unlike other crappy additives this one works but is a HUGE pain in the arse and dangerous to your health.
I've tested napathlene, but if you use too much it makes carbon black...smokey exhaust...plus stinks like whatever. You can only keep so much of it in suspension depending on temps...any more and it precipitates out....but probably would just hang in your fuel filter till it dissolves again.