Originally Posted by 5speed5
There's a big exception to this...............
True, i stand corrected. On suitably steep downhills DFCO is yer only man!
I use it a lot on some hills around here and also coming up to a red light, with brakes if there is a chance it'll go green by the time i get there. I know, i should be slowing much earlier so as not to brake, but i may get run off the road.
And that would be a Very Bad Thing!
I forgot to add to my earlier post that i coast in neutral if the hill is slight and DFCO would slow me too much/at all.
Coasting then allows me to maintain speed or bleed off as little as possible, thereby carrying as much as possible to the next uphill, where i try DWL but find my rate of decceleration often matches that while coasting uphill in neutral. So i often just hold my speed or pulse up to 80-90kph and hold that on the uphill. It seems to use less than if i crawled uphill at, say, 60kph.