Yeah its pretty good I guess, especially for the era.
Thats the saloon youve pictured there... Ive got the hatchback

When I can Ill post pictures
Just did another fill and using the driving tips on the site I got 58mpg (UK) (48ish? US I think) !!!!
Thats a stupendous improvement! Well chuffed! Going to carry on with this for sure! That was using basic P&G (engine running in idle, coasting) with a mix of town and motorway driving (at least half of that was motorway work Ill admit

It DOES say in the brochure that it will do 64mpg (UK) at a constant 56mph so not bad at all. I did get stuck in some real bad traffic though and thought the MPG from this tank was going to have been rubbish. I was so wrong! Its a shame I havent had the car longer really, to get a fuel backlog for normal driving and whatnot, but nevermind!