I think if you simply say that PH1, and PH2 are attached to the B- side of the board adjacent to the isolated gate resistor islands will help.
You know just writing this here will let the builders know. When they get to the bus bar part of the assembly instructions they will label the B- and B+ on the copper at that time like I did.
In any case a low volt system check is a good idea as a 1st test, otherwise like you said: its way scary to think about throwing full pack voltage to system. I wear gloves, long sleeve cotton shirt, and face shield, for making up connections and testing after any alterations of the cables. Plasma is best kept in the movies.
I have 4 solder irons from 12 to 230 Watts, all with nice tips. Too much heat at the tip can ruin your whole day. I checked each solder point as I attached the parts. Then looked carefully at each with a good magnifying glass. I used a heat sink to protect the components.
I know I'll do a better job on the next one I build.... hehe