Thread: CFD civic
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Old 04-16-2010, 09:23 PM   #4 (permalink)
EcoModding Lurker
Join Date: Feb 2010
Location: Maine
Posts: 9

civic - '95 Honda Civic DX 3 door hatchback
90 day: 49.27 mpg (US)

SV - '03 Suzuki SV650 S
90 day: 52.23 mpg (US)
Thanks: 1
Thanked 1 Time in 1 Post
I was mostly pumped that I got the software all up and working at all. Learning how to use it well is another story. I've used some more primative software in school but nothing like this package. I suspect the limitations of this program will lie in the user in most cases.

Chrstphr - thats an 1st gen crx, i had an 86 that looked just like that. I registered to that site and it says i can't download it:
"You have used all your daily download credits (total credit : / )"

Robertsmalls - which solidworks version is that drawn in? It opens the ProE to SW converted and tried both import directly and analyze completely with no luck.

Last edited by lilcivic; 04-16-2010 at 09:44 PM..
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