Speaking of old school hypermilers, My dad also used to EOC, time lights and draft all the time. He was truly frightening to drive with though as he drove his cars into the ground. Tires were worn out only once you actually saw the cords.
As for the "unbelieving"...
The one person who shocked me was Wayne Gerdes, probably the most famous hypermiler. Basjoos posted on a hybrid forum that they could probably get a bunch more MPG's out of their Prii if they aeromodded them. He brushed off the suggestion saying that the Prius was so "slippery" from the factory that you couldn't really improve it much.
.26Cd to .17Cd is almost 35% better. Hmmm. I guess I should just give up.
Vortex generators are old tech. My new and improved vortex alternators are unstoppable.
"It’s easy to explain how rockets work but explaining the aerodynamics of a wing takes a rocket scientist.