My next SGII problem: I've been experimenting with EOC and the SGII turns off shortly after the engine stops. Of course, after turning the key to "0" to stop the engine I immediately turn to "I". (My ignition only has 3, not 4, positions: "0", "I", and "Start". I don't know if it's because it's a diesel, or a Peugeot.) The fuel type is 'diesela'. After switching the fuel type to 'hybrid' I got weird fuel readings, like 1.5-2.5 liter per hour in idle (in 'diesela' mode it's 0.6 l/h), fuel consuption increasing when it should decrease, non-zero value when engine braking, plus it still shuts off on a long coast. In either fuel type it does not display speed or increasing distance while EOCing, but the car's speedo and odometer do.
I'm guessing that my car somehow signals that the engine is on or off, since many other accessories shut down along with the engine (ventilation fan, lights), even if I kill the engine by stalling instead of turning the key. Maybe there is a wire which changes voltage? If I could tap into it then I could have ventilation while engine-offing at a red light